Two week Faculty Development Program on Latex
Seven students from P.G. Department of Mathematics got merit in Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University Amravati Examination
Birth Anniversary of Rajmata Jijau and Swami Vivekanand Celebrated in Late B.S. Arts, Prof. N.G. Science and A.G. Commerce college Sakharkherda
Late B.S. Arts, Prof. N.G. Science and A.G. Commerce college Sakharkherda students visits Buldhana Urban Bank at Sakharkherda
Life skills achieved from new challenges helps to lead good life" Dr. M. N. Gawande
Birth Anniversary of Savitribai Phule celebrated at Late B.S. Arts, Prof. N.G. Science and A.G. Commerce college Sakharkherda
Books Exhibition Develops reading culture in Society - Dr. M.N. Gawande
National Mathematics Day Celebrated at Late B.S. Arts, Prof. N.G. Science and A.G. Commerce college Sakharkherda
Soft skill workshop held at Late B.S.Arts, Prof. N.G. Science and A.G. Commerce college Sakharkherda
Ph.D Programme admission Schedule 2023-2024
Narendra Yadav at state level wrestling competition
Late B.S. Arts,Prof.N.G. Science and A.G.Commerce college sakharkherda has awarded 3 Bronze medal for wrestling competition
Late B.S. Arts, Prof. N.G. Science and A.G. Commerce college sakharkherda organizes one Day workshop for competitive exam by Ganesh Kad academy Pune
Narendra Yadav selected at Divisional level for wrestling competition
Inauguration of Science Association at Late B.S. Arts, Prof. N.G. Science and A.G. Commerce college Sakharkherda
Dr. M. N. Gawande addressing to students during Inauguration of Social Science Associations
Enthusiastic Response for Ranbhji Festival
Kranti Din celebrated at Late B.S. Arts, Prof. N.G. Science and A.G. Commerce college sakharkherda
National Chemistry Day Celebrated in Late B.S. Arts, Prof. N.G. Science and A.G. Commerce college Sakharkherda
To Develop human values through education-Principal Dr. N.N. Gawande
Late B.S.Arts, Prof N.G.Science and A.G.Commerce college Sakharkherda Celebrated International Yoga Day
Late B.S.Arts, Prof. N.G.Science and A.G.Commerce College Sakharkherda Published Research Book on Human Values in Pali Literature
Late B.S. Arts, Prof. N.G. Science and A.G. Commerce college sakharkherda students consistent success in class 12th Board Exam
Carrier counseling workshop held at Late B.S. Arts, Prof. N.G.Science and A.G. Commerce college Sakharkherda
Late B.S. Arts, Prof. N.G. Science and A.G. Commerce college Sakharkherda organized One day workshop on Employment skills for student's
Late B.S. Arts, Prof. N.G. Science and A.G. Commerce college sakharkherda organized counseling workshop for girl's students on Health issues.
Late B.S. Arts, Prof. N.G. Science and A.G. Commerce college Sakharkherda Department of Mathematics Three student's has got rank in Merit list at Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University Amravati
Savitribai Phule has huge contribution for Maharashtra's Development. - Dr. Minal Gawande
Late B.S.Arts, Prof. N.G.Science and A.G. Commerce college sakharkherda stands second at state level shooting ball competition
Late B.S.Arts, Prof. N.G. Science and A. G. Commerce college sakharkherda Succeed at District Level Avishkar Competition
Late B.S. Arts, Prof. N.G. Science and A.G.Commerce college Sakharkherda Three students have been selected for university football team
Late B.S. Arts, Prof. N.G. Science and A.G. Commerce college Sakharkherda students got 3 Gold Medal and 1 Bronze medal in Fencing Competition
Guest Lecture held at Late B.S. Arts, Prof. N.G. Science and A.G. Commerce college Sakharkherda
Late B.S. Arts, Prof. N.G. Science and A.G. Commerce college Sakharkherda has own Bronze Medal for wrestling competition at intercollegiate competition held at Amravati University
Late B.S. Arts, Prof. N.G. Science and A.G. Commerce college sakharkherda Students have been selected for Robothon competition at University Level
Late B.S. Arts, Prof. N. G. Science and A.G. Commerce college sakharkherda Celebrated N.S.S. Day
Intercollegiate Badminton competition Inaugurated
Different social activities on the Occasion of Birthday of Principal Dr. N.N. Gawande
Student should learn from great work by Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh
Inauguration of Language Study forum at Late B.S. Arts, Prof. N.G. Science and A.G.Commerce college Sakharkherda
Inauguration of Social Science Association at Late B.S. Arts, Prof. N.G. Science and A.G. Commerce college Sakharkherda
Late B.S. Arts, Prof. N.G. Science and A.G. Commerce college Sakharkherda organize Festival of Wild vegetable
Inauguration of Science Study forum at Late B.S. Arts Prof. N.G. Science and A.G. Commerce college Sakharkherda
Sunil Kadasane (S.P. Buldhana) Guided students for bright Future
Late B.S. Arts, Prof.N.G. Science and A.G.Commerce college Sakharkherda organized Convocation Program
Late B.S. Arts, Prof. N.G. Science and A. G. Commerce college Sakharkherda has been Awarded for Innovative Activity (e-Chavadi) by Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University Amravati
Pere Patil Visited Late B.S. Arts Prof. N.G. Science and A.G. Commerce college Sakharkherda
International Womens Day celebrated in Late B.S. Arts Prof. N.G. Science and A.G. Commerce college Sakharkherda
National Science Day Celebrated in Late B.S. Arts Prof. N.G.Science and A. G. Commerce College Sakharkherda
Marathi Rajbhasha Din Celebrated at Late B.S. Arts, Prof. N. G. Science and A. G. Commerce college Sakharkherda
Late B.S. Arts Prof. N.G. Science and A.G. Commerce college Sakharkherda celebrated Marathi Official Language Day
Foods for devotees at many places on the occasion of Gajanan Maharaj Pragat Din
Story telling competition organized with huge Response
Workshop on Pariksha Pe Charcha
Teacher must develop scientific view among students.
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Late B.S. Arts, Prof. N. G. Science and A. G. Commerce college Sakharkherda Pay homage to Sant Gadge Baba
Late B.S. Arts, Prof. N.G. Science and A.G. Commerce college Sakharkherda organized workshop on cyber crime. Respected Principal Dr. N.N. Gawande asserted to handle social media carefully
Gawande college students got success
Gawande couple created history in Amravati University elections
Maharojgar Melava concluded at Gawande College
Inauguration of Science association in Gawande college
Gawande College won two golds in fencing
One Day Workshop on CBCS and NEP in Gawande college
True literature inspires conflict
One Day Workshop in Gawande College
National Sport Day in Gawande College
Establishment of Red Ribbon Club in Gawande College
International Literacy Day celebrated in Gawande College
A change in diet is necessary in the era of fast food
Soldiers felicitated at Gawande college on the occasion of Amrit Jubilee year of Independence
August Revolution Day Celebrated in Gawande College
P.G. Admission Notice 2022-23
Gawande college is a Great Center of Learning
Amravati University Outstanding Raseyo Swayamsevak Award
Agnipath Yojana
Notification Joint Director Higher Education Amravati Division Amravati
Amravati University Outstanding Raseyo Swayamsevak Award
Student should focus on skill development
A new educational policy is needed to make the country self-reliant and self-sufficient Vice Chancellor.
Professor Dr. Nilesh Gawande for Outstanding Service Award
9 Students of Gawande college in Merit List
Gawande college students got Success
N.S.S. Day Celebrates at Gawande College
Felicitation of Aniket Ambhore for Selection in National Volleyball Team.
Gawande college students Got Success in National Boxing Competition.
Tribute to Major Dhyanchand at Gawande College
Admission Notice year 2020-2021
Covid center at Bhaskarrao shingne college sakharkherda.
Researchers should work for the welfare of society.
Today International conference held at Shingane College
Online International Conference
There should no hike of fees in the University.
NSS unit carried out sanitization spray in the Rural area.
Bhaskarrao shingane College Help.
Covid 19 Guideline
Free Tele Counseling Helpline For Students
It is impossible to conduct online examination due to lack of physical Facilities. Principal Dr. Nilesh Gawande.
Annual Examination pattern should be Implemented
Sanitizer Distribution At Chikhali
Divya Foundation Awarded "Jijau Award " to Prof. Dr. Minal tai Gawande.
Prof. Raju Popalghat Awarded as Ph. D. Degree
Divya Foundation is announced "Jijau Award " to Prof. Dr. Minal tai Gawande.
Teachers' summer vacations canceled,Teachers' Movement to Lead.
Valedictory function of NSS at Ratali
Convocation programme held at shingne College
Celebration of Birth Anniversary of Savitribai Phule
Inauguration of NSS Camp at Ratali.
Prakash Kolhe Awarded as Ph.D Degree
Sant. Gadge Baba Gives Us Scientific Thinking:Dr.Nilesh Gawande
Vacancies for grant-in-Aid Courses/Programmes
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Solve the problems of Teachers and Education
Aids Awareness Programme in Gawande college
Gawande college student got success in Fencing Competition
For better Health Game is Necessary
Inauguration of Social Science Club
Intercollegiate Badminton Competition
In wrestling competition Avinash Shinde Succeed
For development of Nation Teacher take huge Effort
Different Social useful activities carried out on the occasion of Dr. Balasaheb Gawande
Birthday celebration Event
For the development of Nation Student must keep Research attitude " Dr. Bobade.
College Organised Different Programmes On the Occasion of Sport Day